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Siding Blog

Evaluating the Investment Return of Everlast Composite Siding

Wed, Sep 27, 2017

New siding for Everlast Sidinghouses is a costly expense, but in order to sell a home, financing this investment may be a necessity. According to data published by the National Association of Home Builders, sales of existing homes have outpaced sales of new homes since the beginning of 2012. The housing market in the United States is indeed tepidly recovering from the financial devastation of the Great Recession.

The positive trajectory of the U.S. real estate market in 2012 gives cause for optimism. For homeowners interested in selling their property soon, shrewd investments such as renovating a home's exterior is one solution to consider.

The Hidden Cost of Poor Siding Maintenance

The upfront cost of a siding project is only one aspect homeowners should keep in mind when weighing the pros and cons of home improvements. The cost of maintaining siding over time is arguably the most overlooked facet of exterior renovation projects. A mistake can literally cost homeowners thousands of dollars to correct in the future.

Homeowners in the New England region know the consequences of winter weather damage. The region's annual freeze-and-thaw cycle subjects home siding to constant moisture and high winds. This weather pattern places a large amount of stress on the integrity of a home's exterior. Even new siding may become irreparably damaged within a few years in the worst-case scenario.

Replacing faded, chalky vinyl siding is a must in today's real estate market. Improving a home's curb appeal gives a sale property the opportunity to stand apart from similar homes on the market.

Home siding damaged from winter weather must be repaired as soon as possible in order to prevent moisture from leaking into a home's sensitive exterior walls. The cost of these repairs, however, is relatively high, which causes a large number of homeowners to procrastinate siding maintenance. Bluntly stated, the costs of regular siding maintenance outweigh the negative consequences by far.

Shrewd home shoppers can very easily pounce on this flaw and leverage a lower-than-expected bid on a sale property. Homeowners selling their property in a tight real estate market should be aware of this hidden cost of under-maintained home siding.

The fact of the matter is that home siding projects remain the number one exterior home improvement when evaluating overall cost-to-value ratio. The hidden costs of poorly maintained home siding, on the other hand, suppress this positive figure in reality. Even a home's resale value may drop.

Everlast Composite Siding's Return on Investment

One of the most attractive aspects of Everlast Composite Siding is the low maintenance required. Even after years of exposure to the winter elements of the New England region, Everlast siding remains steadfast. The material's unique inorganic, rigid composition gives Everlast siding the durability to withstand even the worst weather conditions if installed properly.

Specifically, Everlast siding consists of stone mixed with polymeric resin. Approximately 60% of the composition of Everlast siding is stone and mineral. This property gives the siding dimensional stability that rivals genuine stone siding without the high cost of installation.

Unlike fiber cement siding, Everlast composite siding does not absorb small amounts of moisture because the material contains no wood additives. Fiber cement siding does contain a small amount of wood fiber.

Logically, low damage over time correlates to low maintenance costs over time. The hidden costs of new siding for houses are lower when comparing Everlast siding to other popular siding materials.

Home siding projects always cost more than the original cost. Homeowners overlook maintenance costs as well as future resale value. To receive the highest return on investment possible, low-maintenance siding materials such as Everlast siding are a smart investment.

Everlast Home

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