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Siding Blog

Low-E Window Coating Melts Vinyl Siding

Wed, Sep 27, 2017

melting vinyl siding from LowE windowsThis problem has increased dramatically over the past several years.  As window manufacturing technology becomes more focussed on producing better insulated windows, the quality and intensity of Low-E window coatings also increases. This has lead to a problem where light and heat reflected off of windows is melting vinyl siding.

What is Low-E coating?

Here's a lamens definition. Low-E is a coating on window and door glass that reflects heat.  In the summer in keeps heat out of your house, and in the winter it keeps heat in.  IT's purpose is increase the R-calue (lower the U-factor) of windows for the purpose of better energy efficiency.

How does Low-E Window Coating Melt Vinyl Siding?

This problem is still fairly new and thus being researched. But basically with a certain angle of sunlight concentrated light can reflect off of windows and dramatically increase the surface temperature of the wall siding on neighboring houses or even adjacent walls of the same house.  Once vinyl siding has lost it's shape, the only way to fix it is to replace it.

Since Everlast Composite Siding is a 1/4 thick product made with a thick acrylic capstock, the scenario detailed above will not occur, guaranteed.

Author: Peter Martino

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